Mondays are my weigh in days. I have not moved the needle in well over a month and this last week I really felt like I had made some progress. Boom! 155 lbs, officially halfway through my weight loss goal this year. Such an amazing way to start the day.
Breakfast was a challenge, with me questioning everything I wanted to place in my mouth. I had planned a pj day for the kids and I but I realized that hanging out all day without doing any exercise would not get me any closer to my goals. So what can I do that allows me to take both kids and exercise simultaneously? I'll go for a jog. But after jogging around the neighborhood for several weeks, I am an need of some new scenery.
I sought out new path. But, unfortunately we would have to drive there and we did not have the right car to take the BOB. Hmm. Road Bock #1. Problem solve: We can go exchange cars as the Jeep is parked at the park-and-ride. Load both kids up, drive to the park-and-ride. Logan's asleep, check! Get Annabelle out and put into the Jeep, oops! I didn't bring Logan's car seat (One car has a full car seat, the other has the removable infant car seat). Road Block #2. Drive back to the house, get Logan's car seat, turn back around, switch cars, back home to pick up the BOB. Once back to the house I start thinking, should I really go forward with this, or are these signs that I should quit while I am ahead?
I want this, I will go! Drive out to the new path. Beautiful! Get the kids out and into the BOB, sunscreen, hats, sunglasses all on. Start to jog, hmm, why is that gate closed? Apparently this reservoir is half closed half of the year for bird breeding. Guess which half of the year it is? Road Block #3!
Load both kids, the BOB back to the car. Still determined, seek our new location. When we arrive Road Bock #4 BOTH Annabelle and Logan are now sleeping. Still undeterred, I load them both up in the BOB and hit the path.
It was meant to be. It is GORGEOUS! I didn't have a great run because it was not mid day and hotter than...well HOT! I jogged/walked around this beautiful preserve twice, got close to three miles in and did so with a grateful heart. Look at all of the adversity I faced to get to this place in this time. It really proved to me that I am determined to complete this goal and the days that I am truly not feeling it I need to show myself a little grace because the days that I am feeling it, I get there. I am really looking forward to heading out here several more times and seeing this gorgeous place right in my back yard in the different seasons.
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