Wednesday, February 26, 2014

Homemade Laundry Soap...I am my mother's daughter

I grew up hearing stories of my mom making all kinds of homemade things, as all good Montana wives and mothers did.  As convenience has won out over the past generation, many of us have lost touch with those recipes and processes.  Well, tonight I decided that wasn't going to be me any more.
Several months ago a few of us at work got to talking about homemade items.  A fellow nurse, a recent transplant from Michigan, told us that she made her own laundry soap.  We were all aghast!  What?  How?  How much?  She had received her recipe as a wedding gift from her aunt, and she assured us that it was easy, cheap and ended with a great product.  I am embarrassed to say how long it has been that I have had both the recipe and the ingredients, but have lacked the time to dedicate to this.  Well, we have been out of laundry soap around here for, hmm, about two weeks and so necessity is the mother of invention.  I had a few minutes tonight to myself, and so I went for it.  I am pleased to report it was fun, easy and very rewarding! 
The recipe follows in its entirety is at the bottom of this post.

I started by cutting up a bar of Fels Naptha soap.  I found this bar at Walmart and it was only $1!  Heidi (my coworker) said she didn't grate it but just cut it up into small pieces.  I think next time I will grate it, as I couldn't get some of the bigger pieces to melt completely, so my laundry soap has some chunks.

  After adding the Borax and washing soda.  This stuff smelled heavenly...I wanted to take a bath in it!

 The brew!  We used the empty laundry detergent bottle to store it.  This recipe made almost a whole 6 Liters.  This bottle of all natural laundry detergent usually costs me $15 at Sams. 

This brew only cost me $1.50 and 45 minutes of my time.  Now I am so excited to do laundry!

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