Tonight we discussed our husbands and frustrations around the share of parenting/contributing/responsibilities. It always blows me away how personally we all struggle but with all the same things. It is some curtain of pride we all hide behind, but once opened, we all have felt the same way and have had the same fights/thoughts/frustrations! We all laugh at that slightly dramatized story of what happened because we have all lived it, been there, felt that. Well, except...
Me! I got nothin! I can sympathize, extrapolate that I would feel that way in that situation. I sat quiet through most of the stories, laughing, but quiet because I didn't have anything to add. Nobody wanted to hear how I got flowers at work this week, with a homemade card telling me how much I am love and appreciated. Nobody wanted to hear how I just was able to get away for a weekend to ... Meditate ... I had absolutely zero to add of why my husband sucked! I had nothin!
Thank you Heath Ryan Kahler for loving me , spoiling me, taking great emotional care of me. For being my partner, co-parent, best friend, confidont, lover, cheerleader, manager, and above all Husband. You are amazing and I love you more and more each day and every year. I don't even care that you don't know how to wipe down the sink after you shave and there is little hair fragments everywhere, or that you can't quiet get your sock ALL the way into the laundry basket.
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