Monday, December 31, 2012


I haven't done much reflecting today because I feel like my calendar already turned over a few weeks ago. Regardless, in about 30 minutes, it will officially be 2013. It is amazing to me that another year has come and gone. Time really does feel to be speeding up. Why is it that we have so much to do during the time of our lives we should be savoring the most? At this time, when life is so full of hope and promise and wonder, we are the poorest and busiest? I wish I could have stayed in my "suspended reality" of maternity leave forever, but unfortunately, being the family bread winner, I returned to work a few days ago. I am glad for the opportunity and ability to be as secure and financially gifted as we are in my employment. It affords us to have the option for choices. I feel grateful 2012 is coming to a close, but feel a little trepidation going forward. I feel we will we have much change and many challenges in 2013. I feel that I will grow in my journey, part because that is where I am in my life, and part because of this blog. I feel I have an outlet to document, voice and receive feedback for this journey. I go into 2013 with my head held high and with intentional thoughts and authenticity. I hope and pray for blessings unknown!

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